-November 25, 2001- Celibacy, sex and the common man Mysterious Dr. X
One ironic thing I've noticed in
life is that religious puritans are more obsessed with sex than those in the secular community and there is more sex among
the faithful than what occurs in a nudist colony. Why is this one asks? If an activity is considered taboo, it adds a magnetic
attraction for people to do it. It's not a wise idea to keep the sex urge shut inside for too long, as it needs to find healthy
ways to come out.
It's been said that being celibate for either short or long term periods hasn't any effects on a
person's life. Celibacy gives a person a chance to direct sexual energy into other areas of life. If a person decides on their
own to be celibate for the time period they wish to be, there shouldn't be any stigma attached. But does celibacy lead to
enlightenment? This can only be known in individual cases.
If an outside source decides that its followers must be
celibate or else I have a problem with it. I dislike intensely this type of power and control over someones life and it reminds
me of it being a cultish organization. There was the comical episode of Jimmy Swaggert. He ran down other members of the clergy
for sexual misconduct and preached against "immoral" sex then was caught twice in company with "sex hostesses." I wonder just
how many times old Jimmy wasn't caught with prostitutes?
Others find celibacy unnatural, as it is normal for humans
to have sex, especially with the variety of birth control available in this day and age. One person said that after being
celibate for several years, they came away from it feeling devastated and depressed to the point they wanted to committ suicide.
The same person went on to say they felt spiritually darkened and after leaving celibacy behind for 20 years, the deep sadness
that had accumulated while celibate was still being felt.
But just how important is sex? Is there sufficient medical
evidence that suggests sex is needed for proper functioning of the body? Is one adversely affected by having too little or
too much sex and does either way improve or take away from the quality of life?
It's amazing on how much time and
money people will spend on prepping themselves up for 15 minutes of intense action. On the other hand, if one gets too rigid
in celibacy they can miss out on any real connections made between two lovers. I have been told that the sex drive can be
controlled. I can only agree with this up to a point. Urination and bowel movements can be controlled too up to a point but
eventually they let you know they have to come out & it is best to heed the call.
By now most have heard of Viagra
and its so-called power to kick start a mans sex life. But I wonder if Viagra is little more than a placebo than an effective
remedy. Either way the chemistry is there between people or it isn't. Plus a person may have deeper issues regarding sexuality
that needs dealing with that Viagra can't help with.
It's not wise to get obsessed with sex and hurry the process
of being sexually active but to let it happen naturally between partners. Hopefully both partners will listen to their inner
voices on this matter.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -November 8th, 2001- Where
Is God? Dark Shadow - The Shadow Keeper
Billy Graham's daughter was being interviewed on the Early Show and Jane
Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" And Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful
She said, "I believe that God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling
God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives. And being the Gentleman that He is,
I believe that He has calmly backed out. How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand that
He leave us alone?"
I know there's been a lot of material circulating around in regards to 9/11/01, but this really
makes you think. If you don't have time, at least skim through it, but the bottom line is something to think about. In light
of recent events ... terrorists attack, school shootings, etc. Let's see, I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare (she
was murdered, her body was found recently) complained she didn't want any prayer in our schools, and we said OK.
someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The Bible that says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love
your neighbor as yourself. And we said, OK.
Then, Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they
misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed
suicide). And we said, an expert should know what he's talking about so we said OK.
Then, someone said teachers and
principals better not discipline our children when they misbehave. And the school administrators said no faculty member in
this school better touch a student when they misbehave because we don't want any bad publicity, and we surely don't want to
be sued (There's a big difference between disciplining and touching, beating, smacking, humiliating, kicking, etc). And we
said, OK.
Then someone said, let's let our daughters have abortions if they want, and they won't even have to tell
their parents. And we said, OK.
Then some wise school board member said, since boys will be boys and they're going
to do it anyway, let's give our sons all the condoms they want, so they can have all the fun they desire, and we won't have
to tell their parents they got them at school. And we said, OK.
Then some of our top elected officials said it doesn't
matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs. And agreeing with them, we said it doesn't matter to me what anyone,
including the President, does in private as long as I have a job and the economy is good.
And then someone said let's
print magazines with pictures of nude women and call it wholesome, down-to-earth appreciation for the beauty of the female
body. And we said, OK.
And then someone else took that appreciation further and published pictures of nude children
and then stepped further still by making them available on the Internet. And we said OK; they're entitled to their free speech.
And then the entertainment industry said; let's make TV shows and movies that promote profanity, violence, and illicit
sex. And let's record music that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes. And we said it is just entertainment,
it has no adverse effect, and nobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead.
Now we're asking ourselves why
our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their
classmates, and themselves. Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great
deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."
"Dear God, Why didn't you save the little girl killed in her classroom? " Sincerely,
Concerned Student
"Dear Concerned Student, I am not allowed in schools." Sincerely, God.
Funny how simple
it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world is going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say,
but question what the Bible says. Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they do not have to believe, think, say,
or do anything the Bible says. Funny how someone can say, "I believe in God" but still follow Satan who, by the way, also
"believes" in God. Funny how we are quick to judge but don't want to be judged. Funny how someone can be so fired up for Christ
on Sunday, but be an invisible Christian the rest of the week.
This was sent to me from a friend of mine. I don't necessarily agree with everything she had to say. For example, she
doesn't take into consideration the multiculturalism of the present schools and the different beliefs of how one should worship
God. I posted this sermon to shed some light on the deemed "evil" events that seem to be plaguing our world today. In some
way most of us can relate to horrors of things we hear about and have seen. Maybe God has forsaken us because we asked him
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -October 22, 2001- Omens,
oracles & other things. by Jan
This subject is fairly new for me. The process of discovery of how it works
in my life has been a delightful experience. I will disregard & put aside the given definitions anyone or any group place
on this for keeping clarification & defining in my own personal journey.
I have in my life several mysteries I
had never thought would have become clear & some even answered in part. The abstract & intriguing world we live in
is just what we make of it. In my case I took a path that required adherence to basic truth concepts. Having read through
several belief systems in the past year, I found a common thread to all of them. There are various opinions of many things.
Apparently many believe the belief they choose is a matter of life, death, punishment, reward in the hereafter or even the
future result of this present life. I too have certain guidelines I choose to follow even along the lines of labeling myself
in this same way. In my case, I would not have changed too much. Looking back I even see some grievous errors but after all
I am human. I will not waste my time in regret. I even think sometimes fate may have still worked in my favour. To me the
most important thing in my belief system is motive.
My decisions & actions are based on my inner motives of these
actions, not done in a mechanical or robotic way. In fact I have found by my thinking that it has opened a number of pathways
to follow. All decisions are mine & I take responsibility for my choices. Living this way means making a few sacrifices
which the general population often thrive on. These may be wealth, prestige, popularity, even present & future security
such as a retirement plan & all that traditional thinking that those considered sensible & responsible citizens of
society accept. I however traded the traditional for a spiritual path to follow what I think is my necessary way. I'm not
sure where it will lead as I have no material gaining goals to set for. I have gained more than what I have missed. I've been
rewarded in many ways others not only can't see let alone begin to appreciate. That doesn't matter too much to me. It's the
unknown, unseen, the mysteries, learning & getting answers to questions I have received through my own patience, faith
& trust in God & of course with the assistance of the unknown powers, spirits, angels & any other agents that
will some day will be revealed.
This past year, my belief system has been drastically altered due to changes in my
environment, circumstances & of personal physical changes. All these things happened beyond my control. As my belief would
have it, it means adjustment & working out changes in my life that must be made so far & it has been the most
difficult thing I have had to do in my life. Thank God, it's been bearable & thus far I have survived. There has been
blessings come my way, maybe as some kind of trade off. Again I must say that God is truly merciful & his thoughts are
higher than ours. The one basic belief is motive. This is something I see few people consider in decision making. I think
God knows our motives & knows how we will make a decision. This is based on how well He knows our person & of course
His all knowing power.
I would even go so far as to say, we may have to pay for a decision we have not even made as
yet. How often do we make decisions based on what is good for only ourselves or own self interest? Thinking little of how
the resulting decision may affect, if not maybe putting another person at a disadvantage or harm in various ways or form.
The above statement I feel necessary to cover before getting into more of what I recognize in my life as maybe a consistent
presence of what may be called omens, oracles, spirit forces or whatever it may be. This is part of my life's intrigue &
adventure. Though I appreciate everyday life, these things has been a common part of my daily life as well. I've observed
& wondered for years what the individual incidences have meant. Since starting to experience regular dream recall &
have remembered dreams in the past year, I have begun a new path of discovery, something I was incapable of before. Besides
having to deal with natural life changes, I've had to make some major changes in beliefs that have worked well for me up until
now. It's all been overwhelming but that is life. There are a few of these mysteries that may or not be solved in my lifetime.
Many however I believe are on their way to explanation. Most barriers are down for me. However most others have many barriers
to understanding. This is as a judgment so much as presenting the truth regarding having an open mind or not.
oracles, signs, wonders is what this subject is all about. It's how the intangible world is connected to the tangible. It's
abstract & illusive. It's a belief. It's your own sense of right & wrong.
Chances are your own personal beliefs
don't come with a set of rituals & beliefs. Getting past the rituals, the rules, the limitations is where to find what
you're looking for. The confirmation of your path is directed by the quiet, passive, timely messages that are place in front
of you.
Messages from where you came from & the people you have met along the way. In a humourous kind of way
you will be reminded of the decisions you have made. No big drama if you keep it in perspective. Getting past obstacles in
your mindset is a good step forward. Take a step outside your usual thinking pattern. It is surprising what is waiting for
you. Get past the hurts & accusations you have had toward others. They are an easy reason to excuse what we have basically
done to ourselves. It's never to late to change. In fact the past is very much a part of the future. So all you have put forth
before will be a rewarding contribution to your new & free path.
Nothing is lost.
While writing this piece
I tried to think of some examples of mine to you. However the example will lose it's point in the transcription. The best
thing I could come up with at this time was when I was sitting by an open door & a fairly strong breeze from the North
blew in on me. It penetrated stricken with fear. A fear that started me on a new direction of thinking. It started me thinking
& learning of our ever changing world. Through this particular incident,I will never be able to go back to where I was
then. Plus I must say that fear is now gone. Another barrier gone that was in front of me, thanks be to God.
yourself credit for what you already know. You will know what to do. Act on it, just see what happens. Keep in mind, this
has nothing to do with others paths, just yours. The messages are for you alone. me with something I can not describe
today. But at the time it happened, I was
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -October 14,
2001- Taking Part in a Prostest at a Promise Keepers Rally Mysterious Dr. X
"The demise of our community and
culture is the fault of sissified men who have been overly influenced by women." - Tony Evans, prominent leader of the Promise
It seemed like a good idea at the time when Promise Keepers - PK's - was started in the United States in
1990. But like many other things what has become of PK's since its inception? Orignally mandated to have large groups of men
come together and take a good look at what could be changed in their lives and become better fathers and husbands, was it
now a political movement with a hidden agenda of promoting misogyny & homophobia? About 100 to 150 protestors, mostly
students from a local university, felt this way. We came together on the day that the PK rally was held & let our presence
be known where the rally was being held. For nearly 3 hours we marched to the left - an indication of the protestors political
leanings, carried signs that reflected what we felt about what PK's were all about. One of the goals at the protest was to
promote diversity in spiritual beliefs. Spirituality is not a case of black and white but an area where there is a lot of
gray area. Also the protestors wanted to show there was more to a human being than the standardized ideals that PK's want
to have. One of the men at the rally brought out his wife to speak to us. I got the impression that I was listening to one
of the women from "The Stepford Wives." The question to ask is if a person is any less of a human being because of sexual
preferences or marriage status?
But despite what PK's claim that they present only a message of love, honour and respect,
one must take the time to look past the public relations bull manure and really see what PK's are all about. I'll have to
pass on the notion that Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life as there is other methods that a person can use
to connect with their Higher Power.
While it does state in Leviticus 18:22 that a man is too refrain from having sexual
relations with another man, it also states in Deuteronomy 21:18 to 21 that a son who is rebellious and stubborn is to be taken
before town leaders by his parents. If found guilty, the son is to be stoned to death by the men of that city. If this is
to be taken literally how many guys, including PK's, would still be around to tell their tale? As a PK about this and see
if it is a case of selective bible believing. How much is culture different from then compared to todays world? Plus how many
times has the Bible been edited to suit the writers opinions and wishes?
Also the teachings of Christ and Buddha are
quite similar, so why look for a needle in a haystack in finding any differences? The key of Christ's ministry and Buddha's
teachings was to develop love and compassion for oneself and others. If New Testament stories are to be believed, Christ hung
around with the "outsiders" of society - tax collectors, prostitues and the like. They knew they were less than perfect but
still enjoyed their humanity and didn't need to get "righteous" to do so.
It is unwise for Promise Keepers to dismiss
any criticism. They are entitled to their opinion but there are other ways of looking at things and how individuals approach
their Higher Power.
One thing at the protest warmed my heart and gave me hope. Most of the protestors were between
the ages of 15 to 25. It showed that they give a hoot about what goes on in the world and are willing to to stick their neckc
out for their beliefs and to make the world a better place to live in.
-Oct 1st, 2001- The Beginning of my Belief By Jan
Once quiet cozy evening my friend and mother, Dorothy,
pulled out a picture of a man hanging on a cross. At the time I was maybe 3 years old. I and one of my sisters gathered to
find out more about this picture. I wasn't aware of the Bible at this time, could it be where this picture came from? She
was telling how this was Jesus and he died on the cross for us. He died so we are saved. Wow I thought, this is interesting.
My first question was; "How could he do that?" I don't remember the answer she gave me. Then I asked; "Why?" She said something
along the lines of we are born with natural sin and he cleansed us of this sin by his death.
Dorothy brought up something
about how the spirit worked but that was something I didn't understand at that time. This whole thing had me fascinated. In
all truthfulness, I had felt a sense of insecurity, fear and uncertain feelings about my life at this time. I also had harbored
some bad thoughts at the time. This stuff made good sense to me. Just finding out about this made me feel good. I no longer
felt apprehension about life even at this early age. I knew at that point, I was covered with this sacrifice. I then accepted
where I was in my life. I was more at ease with who I was. My guilt and questions were answered at that point in time. I had
an unexplainable sense of peace. This is why I am a Christian. It felt so right to me. The timing was perfect for me. I had
questions and was interested finding out more. Dorothy explained that you have to talk to God about things and that we all
have our own beliefs. She later explained the Bible. It was something I wanted to get into. God had different plans for when
that time came.
This same evening of my first revelation of truth, my mother pointed to a picture on the wall. It
was a picture of Jesus knocking on a door. I guess I never paid attention to that picture before.She said that's how it works.
When he comes knocking, you can answer the door or not. This seemed quite interesting to me. I thought what does that mean?
I wasn't aware of the daily sin part. I never really felt guilty about anything after I found out my feelings were
normal. My first real experience came through two bible verses that hung on my mother's back bedroom. One was "The Lord's
Prayer", the other being the 23rd Psalm. I would read these when I went to her house. Those verses always comforted me. It
was a source of strength for me. I would look in various bibles to get more but I guess I couldn't read at the time. Someone
read those verse on the wall to me.
After I learned to read, I would continue to attempt to read the Bible. It was
weird, all the words and letters were jumbled. I couldn't make sense of it. I finally decided I must be evil & God didn't
feel I was worthy of His truth. This didn't bother me though I didn't advertise it either. I figured I must try harder to
reach God & I prayed to be accepted by Him & understand things. I spent many years praying and occasionally checking
out the Bible. I was well into adulthood before my Bible dyslexia was cured. In the mean time I was very familiar with prayer.
The Bible then was more of a confirmation tool for me. Most of it's contents in it were things that I had learned by talking
to God. Some of the stories in the Bible, I learned from going to Sunday School.
My own personal journey involves
a lot of the mystical aspects of life. Finding out more of the "whys" & "how's" is an exciting exploration for me. Though
everyone may not be driven by my same interests, I think there are things that everyone has to discover in their own personal
journey. By abiding by certain standards or respect, considerations and doing good (relative term) for others is the path
to take. This may be a way of helping self and as well as not to impede the path of others. Not by telling them so but allowing
their own inner workings to got to work in their own personal way. Their burdens should be made lighter for their own thinking
processes to spark and be acted on in their own special way. This may sound a bit abstract but maybe that is the way it is
supposed to be.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Sept 22nd, 2001- Is Organized
Religion Still Revelant? The Mysterious Dr. X
I was reading an article in the Skeptical Inquirier in the late
1980's and came across an expression that has stayed with me to this day. The phrase went "People are told what to think as
opposed to learning how to think." This has proven to have great merit and truth to it. Especially in the name of religion,
where people suspend good judgement and rational thought in an area where tough questions should be asked. These same people
that are competent in many areas of life seem to take one of two paths once involved in a religion. One is a passive approach,
sitting in a pew on Sunday mornings, taking in everything without taking a good look at what is being said. The other approach
is an aggressive in your face one that says we are the elite and the only way to Heaven is though our belief system. Sadly
I wonder if questions are allowed in either case and whether any knowledge is gained amidst the almost manic way of doing
things in the latter group.
In the world of ours, we have so many "labour saving" devices that we are actually more
occupied with work than ever before. Back in the days when we were hunters and gathers, humans put in a 40 hours work month
at most. When the Puritan work ethic was implemented people were made to feel guilty if they stopped to reflect or meditate
for a spell. Now with faxes, cell phones, lap top computers and other forms of "leisure creating inventions", people have
been sucked deeper and deeper into the cult of being busy. As much as technology has its upside, it can keep people too preoccupied
from having a full life.
But I seem to be getting off the main thrust of my sermon. Organized religion has stated
what it is against - rock music, homosexuals, "shacking up", among other issues. But will religious leaders state what they
are for, as long as it isn't a theocracy. To believe in "holy" writings is fine but how many times have these writings have
been edited to satisfy the writers viewpoints? As in other historical documents, are events described in any religious texts
actually what happened?
Then there are those who believe in eternal damnation and The Lake of Fire. Who ever dreamt
that beauty up must have hated people with a passion. This type of condemnation is little more than intimidation talk to keep
people in line and scares them into little boxes. It does nothing to uplift the human spirit to the next level.
it stands a big problem of organized religion is putting too much emphasis on the messenger than the message. There are spiritual
truths to what Jesus, Buddha, among other teachers have said but there has been a tendency to lose them in the cult of celebrity
that organized religion falls into. How much has organized religion become part of the establisment instead of being a "hospital"
where "sinners" can come for spiritual rest and healing plus get a sense of renewal?
Over the last two Christmas Eves
I took in Midnight Mass. Both times I came across a sense of sacredness that seems to be missing from other services throughout
the rest of the year. What would happen if organized religion reconnected with the sense of mysticism that gives people a
heightened awareness of living by the spirit of the law and not by the letter of it. By mysticism I mean the sense of wonder
and awe brought into a persons life and not just some happy crappy from la - la land.
Organized religion may have
to lighten up a bit and find ways of giving a person a hand up. But it might find itself disappearing if it doesn't discard
the dogmas and control dramas held over members and adherents. Organized religion can do its share of breaking down barriers
between people and help people join hands to make the world a better place to live in. It might take less effort than orginally