-June 26, 2003-
Religious Hall of Shame 1
Mysterious Dr. X
This will be reserved for those who preached celibacy, yet did not walk the talk. How many religious leaders have kept
numerous mistresses, fathered children out of wedlock & so on? So much for traditional family values. It reminds
of who is more obsessed with sex - a religious puritan or a nudist. I believe that the puritan is because if something is
considered taboo it adds a magnetic attraction for people to do it.
Elijah Muhammad: He was to hold puritanical Muslim beliefs for himself & his fellow Muslims. When rumours started
to surface about his sexual escapades, Malcom X didn't want to believe any of them but was convinced after talking to 3 of
Muhammad former secretaries who had trysts with him. Two had becme pregnant & two children were named in paternity suites.
Jim Bakker committed adultery with Jessica Hahn & paid her $265,000 to keep her mouth shut. But tongues wagged as
they do & word got out. The lifestyle that the Bakkers upheld was not overly modest to say the least. Jim was jailed after
bilking his followers out fo $150 million. I wonder how he felt about sex after sharing a cell with Bubba.
Tammy Faye Bakker kept the cosmetics industry profitable by herself alone. I've wanted to speculate on just how much
money she spent on mascara over the years. Just what is under all the makeup? Maybe it's Jimmy Hoffa in drag.
Oral Roberts wanted to raise the dead. I don't think he was successful. But his entry into our Hall of Shame was due
to the fact that he made God look like an extortionist after Roberts said God told him to raise $8.5 million or Oral would
be called home. The last amount of the $8.5 million was to have come from an owner of a dog track!
Jimmy Swaggert was caught twice with prostitutes. It makes me wonder how many times he wasn't caught. I guess Jimmy was
doing research on the sinfulness of sex.Well nothing like having first hand knowledge. Swaggert accused others of being a
cancer on the body of Christ that needed to be excised. Yet he fell into the same trap. How does Swaggert feel about being
a cancer himself? Debra Murphree, the first prostitute that Swaggert was caught with, said she didn't want her children around
him. Neither would I.